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Université Paris Descartes
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Publications HAL-SHS
282 documents
- Maya Hickmann, Edy Veneziano, Harriet Jisa (Dir.). Sources of variations in first language acquisition. John Benjamins Publishing Company, 22, 2018, Trends in Language Acquisition Research, ⟨10.1075/tilar.22⟩. ⟨halshs-01753442⟩
- Maya Hickmann, Edy Veneziano, Harriet Jisa. What can variation tell us about first language acquisition?. Sources of variations in first language acquisition: Languages, contexts, and learners, 22, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp.1-24, 2018, Trends in Language Acquisition Research, ⟨10.1075/tilar.22.01hic⟩. ⟨halshs-03107662⟩
- Edy Veneziano, Eleonora Bartoli. Children’s ability to improve their narratives: A preliminary study of the relation to Executive Function abilities. V. Rosell-Clari, T. Cervera Crespo, and C. Hernández-Sacristán (Eds.). Language and Executive Functioning: A Multidisciplinary Perspective / Lenguaje y Funcionamiento Ejecutivo: Una Perspectiva Pluridisciplinar, Tirant Lo Blanch, pp.47-76, 2018, 9788417069568. ⟨halshs-03108736⟩
- Edy Veneziano. Learning conversational skills and learning from conversation.. A. Bar-On & D. Ravid (Eds.),. Handbook of Communication Disorders: Theoretical, Empirical, and Applied Linguistic Perspectives, De Gruyter Mouton, pp.311-328, 2018, 9781614516859. ⟨10.1515/9781614514909⟩. ⟨halshs-03107637⟩
- Valentina Vapnarsky, Edy Veneziano. Lexical Polycategoriality: Cross-linguistic, cross-theoretical and language acquisition approaches. An introduction. Lexical Polycategoriality, 182, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp.1-31, 2017, Studies in Language Companion Series, ⟨10.1075/slcs.182.01val⟩. ⟨hal-04125684⟩
- Valentina Vapnarsky (Dir.). Lexical Polycategoriality : Cross-linguistic, cross-theoretical and language acquisition approaches. Vapnarsky Valentina & Veneziano Edy. John Benjamins Publishing Company, 182, pp.479, 2017, Studies in Language Companion Series, 9789027259479. ⟨halshs-01606699⟩
- Edy Veneziano, Marie-Hélène Plumet. The effects of a short intervention procedure on the narrative skills of high- functioning children with ASD. Congress of the International Assocation for the Study of Child Language (IASCL 2017), Jul 2017, Lyon, France. ⟨hal-04125734⟩
- Edy Veneziano, Bracha Bir. The effects of conversation on the causes of the story events on the content and the linguistic structure of 5 to 8 years old French-speaking children. Congress of the International Assocation for the Study of Child Language (ASCL 2017), Jul 2017, Lyon, France. ⟨halshs-01753805⟩
- Edy Veneziano, Marie-Hélène Plumet. Peut-on améliorer les performances narratives d’enfants avec TSA de bon niveau verbal ? Les effets positifs d’une intervention conversationnelle. 10è Colloque International RIPSYDEVE, Jun 2017, Aix-en-Provence, France. . ⟨hal-04125749⟩
- Marie-Hélène Plumet, Méguy Marie, Andrea Koch, Edy Veneziano. Evolution sur 2 ans de la communication d’enfants TSA scolarisés en Unité d’Enseignement Maternelle observés dans différentes situations dans la classe. 10è Colloque International RIPSYDEVE, Jun 2017, Aix-en-Provence, France. . ⟨hal-04125780⟩